VCPro Database Firm Index - Venture Capital Firms, Private Equity Firms (G)
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VCPro Database - List of Venture Capital Firms and Private Equity Firms (G)

Below is the list of venture capital and private equity firms included in VCPro Database 2025.

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G Square Healthcare Private Equity LLP
G Squared
G+D Ventures
G2 Venture Partners
G20 Ventures
G9 Ventures
GAA Investments
Gabriel Investments
GAEA Inversión
Gainline Capital Partners LP
Gaja Capital
Gala Capital Partners
Galaxy Interactive
Galen Partners
Galia Gestion
Gallant Capital
Gallant Venture Ltd.
Gallatin Point Capital LLC
Galvanise Capital
Gamut Capital Management
Gaorong Capital
Gapminder VC
Garland Capital Group
GarMark Partners
Garnett Station Partners
Gart Capital Partners
Garuda Ventures
Gaspar Global Ventures
Gateway Partners
Gather Ventures
Gauge Capital LLC
GBS Venture Partners Ltd.
GCP Capital Partners LLC
GCP Gamma Capital Partners
GDP Venture
Geek Ventures
Geekdom Fund
GEF Capital Partners, LLC
Gefen Capital
Gefinor Capital
Gemba Capital
Gemini Investors, LLC
Gemini Israel Ventures
Gemspring Capital LLC
Gen Cap America, Inc.
General Atlantic LLC
General Catalyst
Generation Growth Capital, Inc.
Generation Partners
Generation3 Capital LLC
Generator Ventures
Generis Capital Partners
Genesia Ventures, Inc.
Genesis Alternative Ventures
Genesis Capital
Genesis Innovation Group
Genesis Park LP
Genesys Capital
Geneva Glen Capital, LLC
genifi inc.
GENIUS Venture Capital GmbH
GenNx360 Capital Partners
Genoa Ventures
Genstar Capital, LLC
Geode Capital Partners Ltd.
Geodesic Capital
Geolo Capital
Georgia Oak Partners
Gera Capital
GF Capital Management & Advisors, LLC
GFC Global Founders Capital GmbH
GFR Fund
GFT Ventures
GHK Capital Partners
GHO Capital Partners LLP
GI Partners
Giant Ventures
GiantLeap Capital
Gibraltar & Company
GIC Special Investments Pte Ltd.
Gideon Hixon Fund
Gigascale Capital
Gilde Equity Management Benelux B.V.
Gilde Healthcare
Gilgamesh Ventures
Gimv France
Gimv Germany
Gimv NV
Gimv The Netherlands
GiTV, Inc.
Giza Venture Capital
Glade Brook Capital Partners
Gladstone Investment Corporation
Glasswing Ventures
GLD Invest AB
Glen Ventures
Glencoe Capital, LLC
GlenRock Israel, Ltd.
GlidePath Partners
Glilot Capital Partners
Glisco Partners
Global BioAccess Fund
Global Brain Corporation
Global Capital (Pty) Ltd.
Global Catalyst Partners Japan
Global Cleantech Capital
Global Energy Capital LLC
Global Environment Fund
Global Finance S.A.
Global Forward Capital
Global Hands-On VC
Global Infrastructure Partners
Global Leveraged Capital, LLC
Global Venture Capital, Inc.
Globalive Capital
Globespan Capital Partners, Inc.
Globis Capital Partners & Co.
Glory Ventures
Glouston Capital Partners
Glow Capital Partners
GLy Capital Management
Glynn Capital
GM Ventures, LLC
GMB Capital Partners
GMO VenturePartners, Inc.
GMPVC German Media Pool GmbH
GMT Communications Partners LLP
GO Capital
GoAhead Ventures
GOAL Ventures
Goat Rodeo Capital
Gobi Partners China
Godspeed Capital
Goense Capital Partners
Gold Ridge Asset Management LLC
Golden Angels Investors
Golden Gate Capital
Golden Gate Ventures
Golden Seeds
Golden Ventures
Goldfinch Partners
Goldin Ventures
Goldman Sachs Growth Equity
Goldner Hawn
Goldrock Capital
Golub Capital
Good Growth Capital
Good News Ventures
Good Springs Capital
Good Startup
Goode Partners LLC
Goodwater Capital
Goodwell Investments
Goose Valley Ventures
GoPoint Ventures
Gore Range Capital LLC
Gorilla Capital Management Oy
Gossamer Capital
Gotham Ventures
GOVO Venture Partners
Govtech Fund
GP Investimentos
GPF Capital
GPI Capital
GR Capital
Gradient Ventures
Gradiente SGR S.p.A.
Grafton Capital Ltd.
Graham Partners
Grail Partners LLC
Grain Management, LLC
Granahan McCourt Capital, LLC
Grand Ventures
GrandBanks Capital
Granite Asia
Granite Bridge Partners LLC
Granite Creek Capital Partners, L.L.C.
Granite Growth Health Partners
Granite Partners
Granite Partners L.P.
Granite Ventures, LLC
Grant Avenue Capital, LLC
Graphene Ventures
Graphite Capital Management LLP
Graphite Ventures
Gray Line Partners
Graycliff Partners
Grayhawk Capital
Grazia Equity GmbH
Great Elm Capital Corporation
Great Hill Partners, LLC
Great North Ventures
Great Oaks Venture Capital LLC
Great Point Partners, LLC
Great Range Capital
Great River Capital Partners
Great Rock Capital
Greater Colorado Venture Fund
Greater Sum Ventures
GreatPoint Ventures
Green Bay Ventures
Green Campus Innovations
Green Circle Foodtech Ventures
Green Courte Partners, LLC
Green Egg Ventures
Green Generation Fund
Green Park & Golf Ventures LLC
Green Park Investment Partners
Green Pine Capital Pariners Co. Ltd.
Green Rock Energy Partners LLC
Green Shores Capital
Green Street Impact Partners
Green Visor Capital
Greenbelt Capital Partners
Greenbriar Equity Group LLC
Greencode Ventures
Greenfield Partners
GreenGen Ventures
Greenhouse Capital Partners
Greenline Ventures
Greenridge Growth Partners
Greens Farms Capital LLC
GreenSky Ventures
GreenSoil Investments
Greensoil PropTech Ventures
Greenwood Sustainable Infrastructure LLC
Gresham House Ventures
Grey Rock Investment Partners
Greybull Stewardship LLC
Greycroft LLC
GreyLion Capital
Greylock Partners
Greyrock Capital Group
Gridiron Capital, LLC
Griffin Gaming Partners
Grindstone Partners LLC
Grishin Robotics
Grits Capital LLC
GRO Capital
Grotech Ventures
Ground Up Ventures
GroundBreak Ventures
GroundForce Capital
Group 11
Groupe Chevrillon
Grove Ventures
Grovecourt Capital Partners
Grovepoint Ltd.
Grow Venture Partners
Growth Capital Partners
Growth Catalyst Partners
Growth Street Partners
Growth Warrior Capital
GrowthCurve Capital
Growtheum Capital Partners
Growthgate Capital Corporation B.S.C.
Grumman Hill LLC
Gryphon Investors
GSR Ventures
GT Healthcare Capital Partners, L.P.
GTI Capital Group LLC
GTIS Partners
GU Ventures AB
Guangdong Technology Financial Group Co. Ltd.
Guardian Capital Partners
Guida Invest Oy
Guide Capital Partners
Guideboat Capital Partners
Guidepost Growth Equity
Gula Tech Adventures
Gulf Capital
gumi Cryptos Capital
Gurnet Point Capital
Guru Capital SA
Gustavson Capital Corporation
GV (Google Ventures)
Gyrus Capital

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