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Valesco Industries, LLC
325 N. Saint Paul Street, Suite 3700Dallas, TX 75201
United States
Bud Moore,
Managing Partner
Type of Firm:
Small Business Investment Company
Minimum Investment:
Maximum Investment:
Stage Preferences:
Expansion, MBO/LBO, Acquisition, Recapitalization, Consolidation
Geographic Preferences:
Continental United States
Industry Preferences:
Food products and ingredients, process equipment, foodservice equipment and supplies, engineered commercial products, consumable products, apparel, professional and amateur sport products and services, aerospace/defense component parts manufacturing, value-added building materials, specialty advertising products, outdoor and marine recreation products and other industries exhibiting attractive profit margins and efficient use of working capital with a clear path for growth.
Valesco is a private equity firm located in Dallas, TX, that focuses on investing in the lower middle market.
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